Feminists bully, India Times succumbs!

India Times ran an informative poster campaign about men’s issues on International Men’s Day, 19th November, 2015.

Feminists have exposed their intolerance for any discussion about men’s issues and the celebration of International Men’s Day. They bullied India Times into retracting the article from their website and forced them to issue an apology. Here’s the apology note by India Times:

India Times apology

Ironically, India Times only recently updated its cover photo to one which says, “Not afraid”.

Not afraid

Of course you are, India Times! You are just plain afraid!

Thanks to the internet and social media though…Truth can be deleted from a website, but cannot be completely erased!


Thanks to https://legalfighter.wordpress.com/2015/11/22/indiatimes-bows-down-before-feminists/#comment-3258 for saving, reproducing the posters and making them available for download.

Thanks to Uma Challa,
Reference : https://uchalla.wordpress.com/2015/11/23/feminists-bully-india-times-succumbs/


Reply To @indiatimes article

My personal reply to all men who are still having misandrists mindset, many felt bad that @indiatimes shown reality to world by sharing article on occasion of International of Men’s Day & clearly told #LawsAgainstMen.


Many had hick up (Hichki in pure Hindi) as “Truth is bitter” (Sach kadawa hota hai). Many commented on article saying statistics are wrong, but did same people ever bothered to comment & asked the reality of statistics portrayed on article which spreads #FakeWomenEmpowerment. Single article on crimes on woman, people ready to take candle in hand & start roaming around the city. But same candle not found when crimes on Men. Can you justify the behavior of every individual?

Statistical data & surveys done for crimes on women, can anybody justify & share real truth? In today’s world, when gross law misuse reached its peak talking about same is became crime. People who commented on @indiatimes article can they justify? Whether use or misuse?

Do you know “19th November” is “International Men’s Day”? No, because you were busy & working on Toilet, I mean “Toilet day”.

Without taking your much time, feels happy to grab your attention to give clear understanding.

Need for Men’s Rights | Amit Deshpande | TEDxJuhu


Men – The forgotten gender | Deepika Bhardwaj | TEDxIIFTDelhi


Almost every Indian husband is subjected to Domestic Violence


Indian Men’s Rights movement needs more women activists


Tedx: Need for Men’s Rights


RTI reveals important information about dowry harassment cases



Movember – Mens Day 19th November


Most of you might not heard about it, November is a month to create awareness about men existence, their right to peacefully coexist and especially draw attention to men health issues, like Prostate cancer and other types of cancer’s observed in men. Also, to address men’s health issues.
To create awareness about “Men’s health issues” within society, men adopts various ways of campaigning and one most popular is growing mustaches and beard. During November many charity event are also conducted.
The Movember Foundationwww.movember.com) runs the Movember charity event. Foundation encourages men to get involved in event & targets to detect early cancer detection, diagnosis & effective treatments to control deaths.

Let’s show our gratitude to the initiative by Movember Foundation (for creating awareness about men’s health issues) & continue with our medical discussion. I’m dedicating this blog to “Movember charity event“.

By profession I’m Techie, probably I’m not covering up all issues, but trying to take up a humble attempt towards men health issues.

What is cancer?

Cancer is a broad term for a class of diseases characterized by abnormal cells that grow and invade healthy cells in the body.

We will not talk much about different types of cancers, as Movember is dedicated to Men & men’s health. I will share detection, prevention about “Prostate Cancer” which can lead men to death.


Note: I’m not going to add medical or treatment details, only symptoms & precautionary steps.

The prostate is part of a man’s sex organs. It’s about the size of a walnut and surrounds the tube called the urethra, located just below the bladder. The urethra has two jobs: to carry urine from the bladder when you urinate and to carry semen during a sexual climax, or ejaculation.

Prostate glands grow bigger with age. Growing older, raises your risk of prostate problems. The three most common prostate problems are inflammation (prostatitis), enlarged prostate (BPH, or benign prostatic hyperplasia), and prostate cancer.

Men in age of 30’s to 40’s start having urinary problems, don’t unnoticed it & get medical help from your doctor immediately.

Detection or primary symptoms related to prostate issues:

  • Are you passing more urine, during the day
  • Have an urgent need to pass urine
  • Have less urine flow
  • Feel burning while passing urine
  • Need to get up many times during the night to pass urine

Prostate changes not cancer.

prostate-illustration-enlarge enlarged-prostate


Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland that may result from a bacterial infection. Half of the men suffer from Prostatitis.

Symptoms of prostatitis:

  • Trouble passing urine
  • A burning or stinging feeling or pain when passing urine
  • Strong, frequent urge to pass urine, even when there is only a small amount of urine
  • Chills and high fever
  • Low back pain or body aches
  • Pain low in the belly, groin, or behind the scrotum
  • Rectal pressure or pain
  • Urethral discharge with bowel movements
  • Genital and rectal throbbing
  • Sexual problems and loss of sex drive
  • Painful ejaculation (sexual climax)

Few tests & proper medical help can solve the issue.

Let’s move to second prostate issue.

Enlarged Prostate (BPH):

BPH – benign prostatic hyperplasia. Benign means “not cancer” and hyperplasia means abnormal cell growth. Having BPH doesn’t means Prostate cancer though symptoms are similar. Also, BPH doesn’t increase risk’s of getting Prostate cancer.

Symptoms of BPH:

  • Trouble starting a urine stream or making more than a dribble
  • Passing urine often, especially at night
  • Feeling that the bladder has not fully emptied
  • A strong or sudden urge to pass urine
  • Weak or slow urine stream
  • Stopping and starting again several times while passing urine
  • Pushing or straining to begin passing urine

In 20’s man prostate gland is like walnut. In 40’s slightly larger like Apricot. In 60’s it grows size of lemon.

Enlarged prostate can block or slow down urine flow. Few might find hard to start urine stream, even though they feel the need to go. Once the urine stream has started, it may be hard to stop. Other men may feel like they need to pass urine all the time or they are awakened during sleep with the sudden need to pass urine.

How to lessen BPH Symptoms or precautions:

  • Limit drinks in evening, especially drinks which contains alcohol
  • Empty bladder whenever you pass urine
  • Frequently use rest rooms, dont wait or control to long to pass urine

If you find any such symptoms feel free to consult doctor immediately & go for prescribed tests without delay.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer means that cancer cells form in the tissues of the prostate. Prostate cancer tends to grow slowly compared with most other cancers. Cell changes may begin 10, 20, or even 30 years before a tumor gets big enough to cause symptoms. Eventually, cancer cells may spread (metastasize). By the time symptoms appear, the cancer may already be advanced.

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

  • Trouble passing urine
  • Frequent urge to pass urine, especially at night
  • Weak or interrupted urine stream
  • Pain or burning when passing urine
  • Blood in the urine or semen
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Nagging pain in the back, hips, or pelvis

Men above 50 have more chances of getting prostate cancer.

So any issues related to passing Urine or pain in prostate immediately consults doctor.

If you really care about men’s life, please visit



support by donating money for research & sharing info about “Prostate Cancer” & men’s health issues.

Happy Men’s Day & Movember.

Crime & Violence has no Gender

India is a country where Goddesses are worshiped more than Gods.

Even among Gods & goddesses, All important portfolios are held by Goddesses only, for instance, Lakshmi=Money, Parvathi=Power, Saraswathi=Knowledge. Whereas, Male Gods are known/shown to only take protector and provider roles, is this patriarchal?

In India, foreign media enters & manages to create documentary like “India’s daughter“. The only intention of these people is to defame India & in process make money by twisting facts. Generalizing Indian men as ‘perverts‘, ‘rapists‘ sells and for some it’s more like a fashion statement to get noticed. Thanks Feminists!!! Though our Government banned this particular video in India, there was enough damage already done worldwide.

Few videos like “Delhi / India is unsafe for women“, creating more misandry & portray Indian men as “Devil“.

These are the same Indians who worship Goddesses, these are same Indians who respects females, Dad is the first love of daughter, in our culture we celebrate any milestone of girl child or women in the form of – birthdays, when she attains women-hood, marriage, pregnancies, baby-shower, etc. Whereas, when a boy child is born, they are happy only for one reason, as when he grows up, he is expected to take the burden of protector and provider role. Is this patriarchal?

Then why media & women organizations are continuously trying to defame Indian Men?, is it not all sponsored conspiracy to break down Indian families and in process control Indian Economy?

Even If we consider NCRB statistics, court judgement, social belief, Men are at receiving end of Domestic violence and gender-bias. The 2014 NCRB data reveals that 89,129 men committed suicide compared to 42,537 women. In 2013, 90,543 men and 44,256 women committed suicide”. Every 5.84 minutes (on an average), a man commits suicide in India.

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Let’s take another example of  “Jasleen Kaur’s” case, media visualized & acted like they are the courts and conducted ex-party trial & give judgment calling the boy “pervert” even without hearing his side of the story or without having any witnesses statement. What made these media to run a show of this caliber? Isn’t this all for TRP or sponsorship? also, societal-biasness that women speak only truth?  at the other end there are no laws to protect ‘modesty of Indian Men’!
But same Media (bearing one channel) went into hiding when eye witnesses started appearing. Media should be made answerable for such irresponsible attitude in the name of “Fake Women Empowerment” and spoiling our society.
And when, it started getting clearer, who is law misuser & trying to gain publicity, Media was then seen trying to get apology from accused Sarabjeet using pressure tactics, all this for the sake of “Fake Women Empowerment” & “Feminism“?

During all these ordeal, who got defamed? who is suffering from mental trauma? victim or accused?
Why not “Strong punishment” to law misuser? Because such false case ruins man & his family’s life, Loss of job, Defamation within society, mental stress, etc.

There are so many stories for “Fake Women Empowerment” men are being made scapegoat and killed. Starting from Marital laws, Child custody, Rape law etc. all laws support women but ignores “Mens Rights“. Have anybody looked into the reason why Indian men commit suicide twice that of Indian women?

Men have always taken the role of protector and provider, which in turn makes men take more stress and face more risks at work. Now in addition with all these gender biased laws for fake women empowerment- have pushed men to commit more suicides, thanks to law makers and our society!

We as a society believe Indian women can do nothing wrong, In the recent past we have examples of — Indrani’s case, Pune’s case, etc; how cynical can we get? And still we are projected as patriarchal society.

Now with Maneka Gandhi’s , Union cabinet Minister for Women and Child development statement -“All the Violence is men generated“, what happened to “women’s presence behind all men’s deeds“? Is it not easier to label all men as criminals no matter they were/are protectors and providers all these years. If this is the perception of our Hon’ble Minister, why do we need to have police and courts, just give guns to all women and allow them to kill all men who they deem criminal and give them bravery awards!

I would like to ask our society and lawmaker- Does Crime have Gender? If not, please make your presence felt for ‘crimes against men‘ too.

For any society to prosper, we need non-biased laws and people to take responsibilities for own actions. Still do you think “Crime & Violence has gender?”.

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Time to Say “THANKS”

In Day to Day life, we miss so many special days. Still when someone close to you, remembers your birthday & wish you “Happy Birthday” make you feel happy & overwhelmed. When matter comes to Festivals, SMS & chat messages start flooding Inbox week before the festival.

Now, come back to social event Days like “International Women’s Day“, “Valentine’s Day“, “Mother’s Day“, different types of Animal Day, different types of Diseases day(Malaria, AIDS), different profession’s Day ( Doctor’s Day, Engineers Day, etc.) everybody or one or the other organization knows it & celebrate.
There are many days, when shop keepers will keep Big banners & cut-outs to make you celebrate special days. Especially on Women’s Day & Mother’s Day all shops(jewellery, dress materials, online shopping site’s) will give heavy discounts saying “did you choose gift for someone close to you?

Individuals may not remember all days but let me ask you
1) When is “International Women’s Day”?
2) When is “Mother’s Day”?

I’m damn sure most of you knows answer of at-least one question. If you don’t remember exact date, at-least you know these days are exist.

Let, me ask you another set of questions
2) When is “FATHER’S Day“?

Again, I’m sure most of you having expressions like :O, don’t even know these special days are exists.
This is called hidden misandry or Ignorance. May be fault of shopkeepers & online sites that they don’t declare discounts coz they don’t think these days are worth of celebration.

Is that Really True?
Do we really think :
Man don’t need relaxing moments?
Man don’t deserve respect?
Man don’t deserve Gifts on special days?

A man is part of your life from the time of your inception, else you would never have been born. Are we so ignorant & disrespectful? that we can celebrate Disease Day, Animal Day etc. but we cant celebrate “Father’s Day” & “Men’s Day“.
Father, Brother, Son, Husband, Friend.. a  man plays  so many roles in his whole life, cant we give one happy moment by wishing him “Happy Men’s Day“? with Rose, chocolate’s or simple wishes to give them happiness & payback all their good deeds.

How to celebrate Men’s Day in office?
Distribute chocolates & make man happy.
Go & have talk with HR Team make them to celebrate “Men’s Day” similar like “Women’s Day”.
Ask for discounts to online shopping sites so that you can buy gifts.
Share Men’s Day details on Social sites so let the society know “Men’s Day celebration is also important”.
Last but not least don’t forget to wish Men around you.

Let’s Pledge every Men’s Day 19th November & Father’s Day 21st June, we will wish Father, Brother, Son, Husband or Friend.
Not only wishes, we will respect & remember all their good deeds & support.

Save Family Magazine March 2014

Proud Honor to share this Magazine with you all, Please click on below link to Read It


Should we feel proud about Indian Marriage laws?


One should say, today was black Monday. What was the cause? Why about Indian Marriage laws?

Nowadays, everyone must be aware & seeing multiple case discussions, blogs, news paper & now few entertainment channels are coming forward to explain the Indian marriage laws gross misuse making it as episode ex. “Savdhan India”. I feel proud about media sometimes, same media earlier days which was showing how to misuse these handy Indian marriage laws to harass husband? One should say “Indian Marriage laws” are “harass husband & his family laws”.

 Nowadays, gross law misuse is reached till extent that Husbands are attempting suicide & many other ways to finish their life. Many people devoting their life to fight against these anti-men laws & support the Men’s right movement.

Today there was shocking incident in Family court, act was not supporting the use of Indian marriage laws but it was 100% misuse of Indian laws. So I don’t feel proud about Indian marriage laws you take care of putting proper word opposite word of Proud.

Note : Names of person & city are imaginary to maintain confidentiality.

As usual 11 o’clock Court calls started, one after the other pairs were called for court proceedings. My case is in Evidence stage so I will get 2 calls. One call is to get ready & other call for evidence discussion. My first call got over was waiting & chatting with friends. I’m telling friends because everyone standing there is of age range 28-40, discussion starts like which case your wife filled? & discussion goes like close friends discussing their pain with each other but friends don’t share their numbers that’s all. Such type of minimum 3-4 new friends I find in every visit to Family court. Ok coming back to main story. I was waiting for my second call, meantime one call Krishna& Radha, Advocate Kans Mama.

Actually this case was in very primary stage, so case forced for mediation. Who are not aware of this mediation, let me tell this is the discussion done within court to make sure marriage survive. If this mediation fails then only other case proceedings starts. So Krishna & Radha went with lawyer Kans mama for mediation. It was almost 1 hour as usual we all friends were chatting about Law misuse & how their wife accused him in false cases. It was 1 hour so was feeling like taking break but can’t move because suddenly if I get call & if I don’t enter then it will be marked like party not available, so somehow we stayed there & time pass continued.

Suddenly loud voice like fighting & crying sound, everyone was shocked seeing that high noise. What was that? Sound was coming from mediation halls. We were surprised & shocked, meantime Radha came out with tears J (crocodile tears), shouting “I will make sure how you survive? I will kill you xxx. Let me see how much time you don’t listen my word.

Hope everyone came to know what happened? & what’s the truth?

Actual Drama is coming….

Krishna is IT Engineer working in Bangalore residence of Gokul & Radha was local to Mathura where the case is filled. Radha straight away came with crocodile tears & wanted to meet Judge Dhritrashtra ( Blind king ). Other case hearing was going on, Radha Saw Dhritrashtra & told “Excuse me sir”. We all friends sitting together outside the court, we saw her & laughed, she saw towards us like buffalo is ready to hit us J.

She entered & mumbled some nonsense story in front of Dhritrashtra with her lawyer Duryodhan, saying her husband tried to kill her & she needs justice. All our groups ear wanted to hear more to find out real truth. Meantime I went to Krishna to know more but by that time he was surrounded by constables & Radhas parents I was not allowed to reach him. I came to know, Duryodhan, Radha & her Parents created one nice big story as if Krishna is criminal. Somehow I & one of us tried to catch krishna’s friend who came with him to know real issue. He was explaining the story which totally different than what Radha explained in front of Dritrashtra. But this was preplanned act to misuse law because Radha & her family were not having any proof against Krishna, as he didn’t do anything wrong or commit any crime, just to trap him all this drama was done.

Actual story was in mediation though Krishna requested mediator he don’t need anyone else other than actual parties present in Mediation hall. But still her parents stayed in mediation hall. Mediation started & they started talking very bad words, scoldings about Krishna & his parents. Then Krishna said he don’t want to join mediation unless only parties allowed & he wanted to walk out. He stood up & was about to go out of hall, her parents tried to force him to sit, during that Radha’s father pushed him towards chair he was fall down, once he got up he went to catch Radha’s father about his act. Meantime Radha started shouting & gathered force saying Krishna was saying he will her father & all nonsense drama. She started crying & with loud voice she came out running saying Krishna tried to kill her & her parents….

Dhritrashtra immediately ordered all constables to go & hold him accompanied by constables Radha & her parents took Krishna to file case against him….

Meantime one good thing happened I was able to pass my mail id & cell number to Krishna, as my lawyer was aware of my case, seeing Radha & her family’s behavior my lawyer suggested Krishna what step he need to take immediately. Meantime I got second call & it made me to enter in family court.

I felt helpless, but other than passing my number & mail id I was not able to help him much. After my stuff gets over I came out tried to check with staff where they have taken Krishna? I got information of 2 police stations but I was not able to trace him. Still I informed one of my friend who can help me for same to find out Krishna’s number & his address. My ears & phone waiting to hear Krishna’s voice. Hope my phone will ring soon…. Eager to help Krishna to make sure instead of bending down he will fight against this legal Terrorism & anti-men laws…

Guys, let me know should we really feel proud about Indian Marriage laws? or opposite? If not make sure one more draconian, Home breaker, marriage breaker & single parenting forcer anti-men law should not get created vote to stop such law…. Because these laws don’t have misuse clause & punishment for guilty who misuse it just to extort money & for their own greed.

I’m not anti-feminists but I’m against law misuse & women supportive handy laws.







IrBM – No fault single parenting forced on Kid


Today, when GoM (Group of Ministers) passed the IrBM (irretrievable breakdown of marriage) & soon it will be publicly given to women called wife to misuse widely.  Yes, I’m proud to say I’m against the IrBM. One of my blog is already shared & liked by many, today I’m again taking this Golden opportunity to talk about IrBM but not as husband I’m taking this honor to put my thoughts as Father. Question is still same…

 Why do we need IrBM?

IrBM gives privilege to call it as “No fault divorce”, can we think really, how many times Husbands goes for divorce? Nowadays hardly any man goes for Divorce that too when Wife files baseless & false cases just to cause Troubles & mental harassment to Husband & his Family. Obviously, after so much harassment & defamation I don’t think anyone will bother to accept their bitter half again in life, who can cause trouble or file false case against husband anytime in future. Neither Wife nor court assures that wife will not file false cases again.

Coming to the point when wife, her parents & greed of money results in “Divorce” to enter in Indian husbands life, then why IrBM to safeguard wife’s life or award of more money from husband in terms of alimony that too when husband is no where responsible for any act which caused “Divorce”.

IrBM is well known & great home-breaker draconian law getting implemented by politicians & forced by Indian Feminists.

Why such lady should get awarded with 50% of husband’s property? It includes not only property earned by husband but ancestral property as well.

Under IrBM women’s shouting saying, Wife needs 50% alimony because she is unpaid worker in home. I feel women’s are not aware what one Husband is doing? Husband is not only taking care of basic needs of wife & whole family but also he always keep trying to give all luxury & comfort which he can give. Husband keeps running around hospitals when wife gets pregnant till delivery, once delivery happens not only for wife later for kid as well. Each & every moment Father is always is there Imagewith kid, when kid gets sick he will be the one who spends sleepless nights, though he worked for whole day in office. If any emergency he will be the one knocking doctor’s door in midnight. He will be the one who will try to give class-1 education to child.  Indian males Journey is never ending by the time he enjoy life as Husband, as a father he gets more responsibility which he follow very promptly. Don’t forget “Behind every good kid there is a great DAD…

Why IrBM don’t talk anything about child custody when No Fault Divorce happen? Why IrBM don’t allow husband to deny Divorce?

 Let’s try to analyze the IrBM considering Indian male as Father.  In normal Divorce case “why Divorce happens already explained?” 100% of the cases child custody awarded to Mother as natural guardian.

 Though Divorce is “contested Divorce” or “Mutual Divorce” child is with Wife, after divorce if she gets remarry & husband did not marry, child never given back to husband considering him as Father. Does that means Indian Males are Sperm Donours? So that whenever Wife wants she can have kid with husband & snatch away the kid, when she don’t need relation with husband? Funny part is, as Father, husband always needs to pay maintenance towards kid even if wife remarry, when Law needs Father to pay maintenance for kid then why not father has rights to talk to kid or why father don’t  have rights to met his own kid? Instead of proposing Draconian IrBM can’t we modify or propose changes in Child custody, so that father gets all rights to enjoy life with his own kid?


If husband wants to meet or visit kid, there are so many processes involved, First of all Husband needs to file for Visitation rights. Though husband gets the visitation rights still it’s difficult to see kid as court don’t give any order to Mother to make it possible, she can deny it during husband visits. There are so many processes involved that I feel one more blog can be written on “Difficulties in Child Custody”. No one bother about speedy hearings of “Child custody


Rite now, I can say, by having this IrBM are we not forcing the kid in single parenting valley like no fault divorce, no fault single parenting forced on kid? Why IrBM spoiling kid’s life from getting fathers love? This IrBM don’t give child a normal life, stop kid from “forced No fault single parenting”.

Thanks for understanding Father’s feelings, for saying & co-operating with us “ROLLBACK IRBM”….

Please sign following petitions….







Fun time with 498a…

This is my story who is falsely accused in 498a case by my bitter-half as I was not following words coming out from my wife & her parents mouth, I didn’t realize if I don’t obey the orders from bitter half & her parents I will be gifted with 498a package. For people who are not aware of 498a law, 498a is law which was established to save women’s from Dowry Harassment by India. If we really look around compare to use of 498a Law wide misuse is happening. 498a became weapon for Women’s to harass & torture husband & his family. Same law or NCW support one Daughter-in-law as woman, but Mother & sister of Husband is not considered as woman, I don’t know what to say about this? Anyway it’s all Indian males fate to face & fight against this legal terrorism. Day by day 498a case rate & misuse is increasing rapidly, Males in India are finding easy option to avoid this 498a & that’s nothing but suicide. Every 10 mints 1 Indian married male is going for suicide. Don’t forget to think about 498a & its wide misuse, let’s come out of this & have fun some fun time with 498 J

It was a nice cloudy day, I was in a jolly mood. I entered office, signed in like any other normal day. I entered my cube and was checking mails, when as  usual my friends called me for coffee. We were chatting in cafeteria when the office boy came into the cafeteria searching for me.

He said few people are waiting for me in Atlas conf. room.  I asked who it was but he was not aware of it. He said they came from some social organization. I was surprised to hear that news. Now it was time for me to check out who those people were. Having many doubts in mind I was moving towards the room.

I was just entering the conference room, when the person standing outside the conf room asked my name.

As I entered the room, person standing outside checked the list & suddenly shouted 498 case. I was surprised to hear 498 case, lot of thoughts were coming in mind. How come suddenly this happened? I didn’t expect it will happen so soon.

Generally my other room partner’s avoid seeing one of my roommates face in the morning, many times they have informed me not to see him in the morningJ. This morning when I woke up he wish me “Good Morning” suddenly I remembered all this. I was cursing myself because I saw him in the morning. Then I was just thinking what to do now? How to inform my dad? How to have conversation with lawyer? What to reply if these guys ask any questions?

Three men were sitting inside the conf room, None were in uniform but physically all were looking like Police Men. One of them stared at me like angry bull ready to hit me, other person didn’t even bother to look at me as he was sorting out papers but one person welcomed me when I moved towards table.

Good Morning Sir!!!

I was surprised to hear that, and then he offered me a chair. I was about to sit, he mumbled 498 case paper’s. He got those papers in hand & he said “Sir, first of all we are thankful to you for coming forward & giving us your helping hands.” I thought like this normal routine 498a primary phase, instead of calling me to Police station they have come here to get the details & later Charge sheet with other process. I felt like as I didn’t have word neither with my dad nor my lawyer so it’s better to behave like I’m co-operating them but not disclosing any facts what ‘s plan of action.

Person who was sorting out papers gave 2 pages to the person who was talking to me.

Oh great!!! 498 saraswati case…

Again I got doubts 498a filled by wife is fine but my wife’s name is not saraswati.

He asked “since how long you are here, sir!!!”

Since one year.

Since how long you are helping to others.

This question was very much confusing…

He said “Because of few people like you we are surviving & we are able to deliver our services”.

I thought this is another way of asking for money & punching on my face without raising hands.

He was keep talking & asking questions then I wanted to get rid of this.

So I asked who is saraswati? I don’t even know her. Then why & how she filled case?

Hearing this person was confused. Seeing his face I felt like I asked him wrong question which he was not at all expecting from me.

He said “sir, you forgot!!!”

Yes, sir!!! It’s our fault. When you provide money we don’t give any sort details that whom you are going to help. Actually we are also not aware who is seeking help so we also cant share any details just like that.

I felt like hitting that guy or just moving out of the room…

He started “Sir actually during last July time frame you have donated money, rite?”

I could not recollect which month but yes last year I have donated money…

Yes Sir, that money we utilized towards kids education & end of July or August only we will come to know which all students needs money for their education. So we didn’t inform in advance.

He gave me 2 pages & he said Kid is from Saraswati Vidya Mandir & scored 498 out of 600 J.

I got my answer who is saraswati & why she filled 498 J

I realized 498a is nothing it is just matter of tension & stress.

 If you falsely implicated in 498a cases then don’t worry at all as no one can touch you. If you suspect 498a on you then start increasing your legal knowledge, there are many laws or ways just because you are not aware you need to run around & suffer like anything. Just because you are not aware of process including legal practitioners all will try to extort money from you & your bitter half will be enjoying seeing the trouble you are facing. So be brave stand up & get ready to fight against all these feminized & biased laws…..

So guys enjoy each & every moment of your life at full extent, try to find out Happy moments to keep you cheerful & happy…….

What amount to cruelty against husband?

Though it is the duty of the court to decide the case based on facts and circumstances but what amount to cruelty is an important aspect as misuse of Laws by the wife against husband in society is growing day by day.

Most apparently some Indian Urban Educated Women have turned the tables and are using these laws as weapon to unleash personal vendetta on their husbands and innocent relatives.

There are certain grounds on which cruelty against husband can be filed:- Misuse of Dowry Laws, Domestic Violence Act  by wife against husband and his parents through lodging false complaints.

 Desertion by wife which means wife deliberately intending for separation to bring cohabitation permanently to an end.  But it’s very difficult for husband to prove same as laws are completely female supportive & Gender Biased. Most of the cases are Desertion by wife in which wife simply refuse to join husband sitting at her parents place & her parents supports her because they knows though she earn or not she will survive happily by extorting money legally from her husband getting support from multiple cases.

Adultery by wife means wife having s*xual relationship with some other person during the lifetime of marriage and there must be strict law to punish wife who has committed adultery. There are laws which supports female to stay away & extort money from husband on the basis of Adultery by Husband but there is not a single crpc which supports husband to catch hold of wife under Adultery. Though wife is having multiple relation to get divorce on the basis of Adultery husband have to show 100’s proof’s but same allegation if wife do against husband Police & Women NGO’s run behind husband to harass husband without asking any clarification or justification or any proofs for same from Wife.

Wife opting out for second marriage without applying for the divorce proceedings. Threatening to leave husbands home and threat to commit suicide by the wife. Abusing and accusing husband by way of insulting in presence of in-laws and in some cases wife abusing husband in front of office staff members.

Wife refusing to have s*x with husband without any sufficient reasons which can be considered as a ground of cruelty. Lowering reputation of the husband by using derogatory words in presence of family members and elders. Lodging FIR against husband and in-laws which has later proved as false report. Conduct and misbehavior of the wife against husband i.e. pressuring husband to leave his home, insisting for the separate residence, mental torture and disrespectful behavior towards husband and in-laws as well. Some other grounds of cruelty i.e. mental disorder and unsoundness of wife, infertility  of wife, illicit relationship of wife with some other person and Wife suffering from the filarial. Extra-marital affairs of wife can also be a ground of cruelty against the husband.

Initiating criminal proceedings against husband and parents of husband with Mala-fide intention by the wife.

CASE LAWS: situations in Hindu marriage where a wife was held as cruel to the husband and the Hindu divorce law was applied by the Supreme Court:

  • Mrs. Deepalakshmi Saehia Zingade v/s Sachi Rameshrao Zingade (AIR 2010 Bom 16) In this case petitioner/wife filed a false case against her husband on the ground of Husband Having Girl Friend which is proved as false in a court of law so it can be considered as cruelty against husband.
  • Anil Bharadwaj v Nimlesh Bharadwaj (AIR 1987 Del 111) According to this case a wife who refuses to have s*xual intercourse with the husband without giving any reason was proved as sufficient ground which amounts to cruelty against husband.
  • Kalpana v. Surendranath (AIR 1985 All 253) According to this case it has been observed that where a wife who refuses to prepare tea for the husbands friends was declared by the court as cruelty to husband. Though the amendments introduced in the penal code are with the laudable object of eradicating the evil of Dowry, such provisions cannot be allowed to be misused by the parents and the relatives of a psychopath wife who may have chosen to end her life for reason which may be many other than cruelty.

The glaring reality cannot be ignored that the ugly trend of false implications in view to harass and blackmail an innocent spouse and his relatives, i.e. fast emerging. A strict law need to be passed by the parliament for saving the institution of marriage and to punish those women who are trying to misguide the court by filing false reports just to make the life of men miserable and justice should not only be done but manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done.

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